CEO Message

NONAKA PRECISION group is thorough customer principle in the group as a whole, we are doing business with the customers’ point of view.

From Lehman shock of 2008, our group has been sales growth steadily every year. As a case of one, Our Group have a three Branch in Thailand. Bangkok, Rayong, and Prachinburi, We can visit at the customer immediately, listen to the request as soon as possible At our company, seeking to maximize positioned as an important core competence of the group value of Asian countries significant development.

We hope to continue to enhance the corporate power of the group as a whole to advance to Asian countries such as Vietnam and Indonesia in the future, we would like to move forward in order to aim the globalization of new true of manufacturing.

NONAKA PRECISION group would like to be a company that can even slightly CSR through manufacturing.

Our group will endeavor to activate the CSR.

President and CEO,
Ryo Nonaka